
Shulin Shi
E-mail: [email protected]

Research Areas

Well-being beneficial landscape planning and design

Climate resilient solutions based on landscape

Urban design

Evidence-based design


Education Experience

Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.), School of Architecture, Tsinghua University (Beijing), 2001-05

Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) in Landscape Architecture, Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University (Beijing), 2005-08

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Division of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, the University of Hong Kong, 2008-12


Working Experience

Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, 2019 to present

Teaching Fellow and Assistant Professor, Programme of Landscape Architecture (BALA & BLA), Faculty of Design and Environment, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, 2012-2019



Landscape design studio (4th Yr Bachelor)

Urban design studio (3rd Yr Bachelor)

Architecture design studio (1st Yr Bachelor)


Academic Services

Member, Committee of Theory and History, and Committee of Health Promoting landscape and Horticultural Therapy under Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture

Non-official member, Urban Forestry Advisory Panel under The Development Bureau of HKSAR Government

Reviewer of journals: Sustainability, Land, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Chinese Landscape Architecture (Chn), Landscape Architecture (Chn)


Major Publications

Ø Journal articles and book chapters

[1] Shi Shulin (2023). The Status Quo, Needs, and Strategies for the Landscape Industry in China to Cope with Climate Change and Support Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Goals. Chinese Landscape Architecture. 39(3): 34-39. 

[2] Gong Chen, Shi Shulin*, Meng Lingshuang, Yang Rongtian (2022). Health benefits of systemic interaction with nature-- a study in Chengdu park city. Landscape Design. 2022(4):22-27.

[3] Shi Shulin (2021). Importance and inspirations of neighborhood landscape elements and features from the elderly’s perspective. Chinese Landscape Architecture. 37(8): 62-67.

[4] Mu-Fei He, Shu-Lin Shi*, Ming-Yi He, Yan-Peng Leng and Shao-Yi Wang (2021). What affects older adults’ viewing behaviors in neighborhood open space: A study in Hong Kong. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2021(18): 2430.

[5] Shu-Lin SHI (2020). Important elements and features of neighborhood landscape for aging in place: A study in Hong Kong. Frontiers in Public Health. 17 August 2020.  

[6] Shulin Shi (2020). Healing landscape and beautiful China.In Beautiful China: Reflection on landscape architecture in contemporary China. Edited by Richard J. Weller & Tatum L. Hands. 182-185.

[7] Shi Shulin (2020). A review of well-being benefits and mechanism of urban waterscapes. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition).50(6): 881-886.

[8] Li Shuhua*, Kang Ning, Shi Shulin, Yang Rongtian, Yao Yanan (2020). The theory of green healthy city. Chinese Landscape Architecture. 36(7): 14-19.

[9] Shu Lin SHI*; Chau Ming TONG; Clare COOPER MARCUS (2019). What makes a garden in elderly care facility well used? Landscape Research. 44(2): 256-269.

[10] Shulin SHI (2019). Contribution of affordable housing projects to green network in compact cities: A Hong Kong case. In Greening Affordable Housing: An Interactive Approach. Edited by AbdulLateef Olanrewaju, Zalina Shari, and Zhonghua Gou. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

[11] Shi Shulin (2018). A review on research and practice of healing landscape design in China. South Architecture. 185(3): 11-17.

[12] Shu Lin SHI*; Chau Ming TONG; Yi Qi TAO (2018). How does spatial organisation of gardens at care facilities for the elderly influence use patterns: A case study in Hong Kong. Landscape Research. 43(1): 124-138.

[13] Shulin SHI*; Zhonghua GOU; Leslie CHEN (2014). How does enclosure influence environmental preferences? A cognitive study on urban public open spaces in Hong Kong. Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 13. pp. 148-156.

[14] Paul CHAN*; Shulin SHI (2014). Landscape architecture and the "green" elements in Hong Kong housing development. Housing Dynamics: Official Journal of The Hong Kong Institute of Housing. April: 13-18.

[15] Leslie CHEN*; Shulin SHI (2012). Benefits to city dwellers’ well-being: A landscape perspective. Yuan Lin. 2011-2012 (1): 72-79.


Ø Conference reports and articles

[1] Shulin Shi (2022).  A study on stationary behaviors in high-density residential estates in Hong Kong. Hong Kong 2022 International Urban Forestry Conference. Oral presentation. Online.

[2] Shulin SHI (2021). Important elements and features of neighborhood landscape for aging in place. International Symposium for the 40th Anniversary of Environmental Planning Institute, Seoul National University. Oral presentation. Online.

[3] Shulin SHI (2019). Health-beneficial landscape: Starting from evidence-based design.2019 Annual Conference of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture | Special Dialogue between International Youth Landscape Architects. Oral presentation. Shanghai, China.

[4] Shulin SHI (2019).Post occupancy evaluation of landscape in caring facilities for aged people: A case study in Hong Kong. Tsinghua-Kyoto-Seoul National Universities Joint Landscape Architectural Forum. Oral presentation. Beijing, China.

[5] Shulin SHI (2019). Healing landscape and beautiful China. Penn China Design Dialogue (PCDD).Oral presentation, Beijing, China.

[6] Shulin SHI (2019). Project-based approaches to foster learning research among undergraduate landscape students. For Oral Presentation at the Eighth International Conference on Advances in Social Science, Management and Human Behaviour - SMHB 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Paper published in conference proceeding. pp: 14-18.

[7] Shulin SHI (2018). What is the expected bicycle parking in Hong Kong? Poster presentation at The First THEi Research Symposium, 2018, Hong Kong SAR, PRC.

[8] Shulin SHI (2017). Evidence-based garden design for elderly care facilities. The 3rd Seminar of Urban Green Infrastructure- Enhancing Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity: Planting and Landscape Design for Better Life, Oral presentation, Hong Kong SAR.

[9] Shulin SHI (2016). User instructions: To optimize well-being benefits of gardens in healthcare facilities. Poster presentation at the European Healthcare Design Congress 2016, London, UK.

[10] Leslie CHEN; Shulin SHI (2014). Making the city more livable: On landscape policy in Hong Kong. Oral presentation at the 1st International Conference on Horticultural Therapy and Therapeutic Landscaping, Hong Kong SAR, PRC.

[11] Shulin, SHI; Leslie CHEN (2011). Enclosure and its health promoting effects of urban open spaces. Oral presentation at the 7th Design and Health World Congress, Boston, USA.

[12] Shulin SHI (2009). Health promoting effects of enclosure of urban public open spaces: Through behavioral studies in Hong Kong. Oral presentation at the Universitas 21 International Graduate Research Conference: Sustainable Cities for the Future, Australia.


Research Projects

[1] Tsinghua-Cambridge Joint Research: LAND – Landscape Architecture for Net-zero Destination: Strategic research towards a climate and net-zero emission supportive landscape architectural industry (20223080003), PI, 2022

[2] Pedagogical research for urban design studio employing evidence-based design method  (ZY01_02), PI, 2022-23

[3] Chengdu Landscape Architecture Planning and Design Institute: Park city and public health thematic research (SCFCZB-2020080092). PI. 2020

[4] Faculty Development Scheme (University Grants Committee, HK): Outdoor space design in public rental housing estates to promote ageing in place in Hong Kong (UGC/FDS2/H05/18), PI, 2018-19

[5] Inter-Institutional Development Scheme (University Grants Committee, HK): Seminar series on "Urban green infrastructure - enhancing ecosystem services and biodiversity" (UGC/IIDS25/M01/16), Co-PI, 2017-18

[6] Institutional Development Scheme (University Grants Committee, HK): Research on sustainable living: Phase two of the capacity building plan (UGC/IDS25/16), Participated, 2017-19

[7] THEi Seed Grant Scheme: Evaluation on the spatial features of cycling routes in Hong Kong: From cyclists’ viewpoint (1516110), PI, 2016-17

[8] THEi Seed Grant Scheme: Project title: Post occupancy evaluation of landscape in caring facilities for aged people (Ref. no., 1314103), PI, 2013-14

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